An Actor's Life

Devising week.

Myself and my beautiful lady are this week being employed by the wonderful Natural Theatre company, to take part in their devising week. Basically we’re being paid to come up with silly things to do in the street, if it’s not the  best job in the world – its close. I’ve been asked to be a group co-ordinator which is something of an honour, it just means that I have to prod and guide my group so as to make sure that we get a piece out on time. I wont tell you too much of the ideas and things we’ve come up with until Friday whereupon I may well post videos or photos or something. It’s all very exciting and interesting stuff, I’m in charge of the more ‘arty’ end of the spectrum which isn’t my forte but its fine. Hef is in a more traditional ‘talky’ thing and has had one of her initial ideas taken on and developed into one of the performance pieces which is excellent as she has currently logged 2 days of Natural work, including today.

Depression gag

This is a gag straight out of a joke book, not mine but I did like it alot and thought I would share for Friday:

“Depression is just anger without enthusiasm.”

That is all.


We need you!

Well we have re-cast little Adrian Hamilton in the form of Doron Davidson. Doron is very lovely. He is an ex-lawyer would you believe, we’re thinking of filing a lawsuit against someone just to test his story out. He is a whopping great 6’5″ making me no longer the tallest in the company and bringing the average height of the group to 6’3″ which must be some kind of comedy record. Surely.

His audition blew us away, we dropped the C-bomb in his monologue and then laughed heartily at our sketches, good signs. We thought it very brave to C-bomb potential employers, particularly as one of them is a girl with a particularly squeemish attitude to the word. Of course he didn’t know that at the time. So anyway, he popped over last night to take some shots that I could then photoshop into a lovely little flyer to promote the show. Ian at the Rondo has kindly agreed to print up some double sided flyers with this on one side and an Anti-Panto preview on the other which we will distribute at our Arthur Smith gig.

Doron is the one at the top of the flyer, you didn’t think I’d let you go without begging for feedback did you?! It has gone to print today as a flyer, but we like it so much we think we’re going to keep it as the poster, but before we do that please please please share your thoughts. Oh an book tickets, it’s piss funny.

Promotional materials for Sketchy at Best

Come see the show it's awesome!

Don’t you think he bears a bit of a resemblance to Josh? Only a bit obviously. A sort of more grown up Josh?


So I’m not going to lazy blog people profiles. I’m going to unveil the new poster for Sketchy at Best it’ll should be ready for the Arthur Smith gig. More on new boy Doron tomorrow! For now, all you need to know is he’s excellent.

Promotional materials for Sketchy at Best

Come see the show it's awesome!

Nearly there

I’ve done very little in the past couple of days, that is sure to change faster than a Tory policy with negative focus group polls as I have simply loads of work to complete by the end of the week. This includes shooting the press shots for Sketchy at Best, designing a poster for same, designing a provisional ‘readallaboutit’ style flyer for Anti-Panto, and completing and now decimating the Anti-Panto funding pitch. Also coming this week is the unveiling of the third member of Sketchy at Best.

I’ll probably lazy blog the rest of the week with biogs of the cast, yes I almost certainly shall!